Empowering African Catholic Youth: Digital Discipleship and Faith Formation

African Catholic YouthThe Pan-African Catholic Theology and Pastoral Network (PACTPAN), in partnership with Sacred Heart University in Gulu, Uganda, Peaceland University in Enugu, Nigeria, Catholic University of Zambia, Institut de Théologie de la Compagnie de Jésus (ITCJ) in Abidjan, and the Dicasteries for Communication and for Promoting Integral Human Development, has successfully offered a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to the Africa Digital Youth Faith Influencers (ADYFI). A total of 56 youths from various African countries will be graduating online on 12th September 2024.

The instructors were chosen from PACTPAN, our partnering universities, and the Dicastery of Communication and Integral Human Development. Each instructor prepared a recorded course along with a handout summarizing the key themes and content of their courses. They incorporated references from the teachings of the Church, utilizing documents published by Pope Francis, other related magisterial documents, the writings of theologians from Africa, and the teachings of African bishops, particularly SECAM, among other sources.

The young people have been in touch with their local church authorities and clergy, who will be present at the graduation ceremony to distribute the certificates. The course, which started in February 2024, consisted of 7 modules with the following units:

  1. Methods and skills for digital faith influencing and social media presence
  2. Formation on the theories and application of African Palaver and Synodal process
  3. Principles and practices of Catholic social teaching
  4. Transformational servant leadership
  5. Spiritual maturity for professional and personal development and discipleship  
  6. The church as family of God: gospel non-violence in Africa
  7. Practical implementation of a project in a local community/church/school

This certificate program was designed to equip the ADYFI with the tools to become digital disciples. It is a course that responds to Pope Francis’s mandate to young people to become digital influencers and to equip them, as Pope Francis proposes, to “learn how to use the digital spaces.”

The certificate aims at practical training and immersion in shaping the vocational, spiritual, and professional identity of African Catholic youth. Along with the study of the teaching of the Church on youth discipline and discipleship, the students will also be formed on the principles and practices of Catholic social teaching, as well as an introduction to how to use digital media and social marketing as tools for evangelization of the self and others. They will also acquire some solid foundation on servant leadership, spiritual maturity, the ecclesiology of the church as an inclusive family, Gospel non-violence, and faith development. 

Participants in this program will cap their formation and training by engaging in a supervised practical application of some of the theories and practices learned in a concrete local setting. This practicum will enable the students to increase their knowledge about the church in Africa and the daily realities of God’s people in Africa. 

Upon completion of the certificate formation, these youths have submitted the concepts of the projects they have chosen to undertake by themselves with the help of a cohort. They have also been attached to a mentor drawn from the module instructors and the Youth Advisory Board. They are expected to implement this project in the coming year in their own parishes, dioceses, or localities. The next formation cohort will start at the appropriate time after graduation.

We congratulate the youths, PACTPAN coordinator Fr Stan Ilo, the program director, Sr Josephine Awino, and the executive, sponsors, instructors, technical team and all those who made the formation a success. We invite other youth to join and follow us through these social media handles: Facebook-Pan-African Catholic Theology and Pastoral Network. tiktok-@digitalfaithinflueners. Facebook-African Digital Youth Faith Influencers. Instagram- adsyfi. 

Report by Fr. Pascal Mwakio, PACTPAN’S Youth Advisory Council Chair

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