
Tiken Jah Fakoly Quand le reggae s’arrime à la pensée

La musique de Tiken Jah Fakoly dissèque l’actualité sociopolitique du continent africain. Elle dénonce les discriminations sexuelles et les pratiques antidémocratiques, la confiscation du pouvoir, le bâillonnement ou le mutisme de l’opposition, l’intimidation, l’emprisonnement ou l’assassinat des journalistes ou des leaders de la société civile, etc. Au-delà de la critique, l’artiste exhorte les Africains à cultiver le panafricanisme, seul remède pour consolider la stabilité, gage de l’émergence des différents pays africains. Convaincu que l’Afrique est le continent de l’avenir, le reggaeman ivoirien, autoproclamé citoyen africain, invite ses compatriotes à ne pas désespérer. Les Africains doivent rêver le progrès en s’engageant contre Babylone, c’est-à-dire tous les gouvernements africains ou toutes puissances occidentales qui ont intérêt à les maintenir dans la domination et dans le sous développement.  

Tiken Jah Fakoly Quand le reggae s’arrime à la pensée Read More »

“The Formation of Pastoral Agents in the Spirit of Pope Francis: Boundary Issues and Clerical Sexual Abuse in Pastoral Ministry in Africa.” In Faith in Action: Reimagining the Mission of the Church in Education, Politics, and Servant Leadership in Africa. Volume III. 262-288. Edited by Stan Chu Ilo, Nora K. Nonterah, Ikenna U. Okafor, Justin Clemency Nabushawo and Idara Otu. Pauline Publications Africa, 2020.

The issue of sexual abuse in the African church is definitely not breaking news to anyone. In February of 2019, Sr. Veronica Openibo at a Vatican summit on sexual abuse, decried the culture of silence on the subject of clergy sexual abuse in Africa. In March of the same year, the Holy Father publicly acknowledged that the sexual abuse of nuns by priests was one of the church’s scourges. In 1994 a Medical Missionary of Mary Sister, Maura O’Donoghue had prepared an extensive report on the same, but the Vatican shelved the report. Twenty-five years later, we know that this problem continues to persist and has become more virulent. How much longer will we allow this mortal sin to continue? My paper focuses on the sexual abuse of African nuns by clergy. It draws parallels in the assumptions, attitudes and practices that have allowed a culture of abuse to flourish not just in the African church, but in the Global church as a whole. Having journeyed with a number of survivors, I have come to some understanding that though the scenarios of each case may be vastly different, there are commonalities such as a disregard for boundaries, deeply entrenched clericalism and a lack of mechanisms to address both victims and perpetrators. It is these assumptions, attitudes and practices that I will try and address in my paper, drawing lessons that I have gained by listening to African nuns, who are victims of this phenomenon. The scenarios in each victim’s story may be markedly different, but the underlying drivers of the phenomena of sexual abuse are remarkably similar.

“The Formation of Pastoral Agents in the Spirit of Pope Francis: Boundary Issues and Clerical Sexual Abuse in Pastoral Ministry in Africa.” In Faith in Action: Reimagining the Mission of the Church in Education, Politics, and Servant Leadership in Africa. Volume III. 262-288. Edited by Stan Chu Ilo, Nora K. Nonterah, Ikenna U. Okafor, Justin Clemency Nabushawo and Idara Otu. Pauline Publications Africa, 2020. Read More »

Leonida Katunge (2014), Death and its Celebration among the Kamba People of Kenya,Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.

This work is based on the Akamba traditional undertsnading and celebration of death and funeral. It is based on the fundamental Church documents including the Reformed Rite of Christian funerals which are thoroughly analyzed and critiqued. The author widely consulted the Bible and the relevant Church documents. Have also made use of works of renowned liturgical scholars such as Martimort,A.Chupungco,R.Rutherford and R.Ronzani.Have also made some useful empirical observations among the Akamba

Leonida Katunge (2014), Death and its Celebration among the Kamba People of Kenya,Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. Read More »

Educational Styles in Western Nigeria Parenting and its Impacts on Children: Development of Formation Program for Yoruba Parents

The purpose of this study is to analyse the parenting styles among Yoruba parents from the western part of Nigeria. Do the different parenting styles such as authoritative, authoritarian, permissive and neglectful have any effects on children? The thesis and the formation program educate parents on the impact of different styles of parenting. The main topics of the theory and the practical analysis are understanding parenting, culture and social norms and parenting styles and their impacts on children. 

Educational Styles in Western Nigeria Parenting and its Impacts on Children: Development of Formation Program for Yoruba Parents Read More »

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