Social Concerns

Un Nigerian au service du peuple Innu

«La particularité avec la communauté à Schefferville, c’est que ça prend une heure pour s’y rendre par avion et 12 heures pour faire le trajet par train, explique Ali. Mais comme le billet d’avion est plus cher, je suis obligé de m’y rendre en train. C’est pour cela que je reste deux semaines dans chaque communauté quand je vais les visiter.» Cette information sur le déplacement et les moyens de transport que nous donne Ali évoque une terre immense, un endroit lointain et peu accessible. On pourrait se demander ce qui pousse un Nigérian à quitter son pays pour faire mission au nord du Canada. C’est une question parmi plusieurs que j’ai posée au missionnaire.

Un Nigerian au service du peuple Innu Read More »

Spirituality as an integral part of building a “Sustainable” Peace

In spite of all the economic investment involved in peacekeeping missions, our society is still faced, today more than ever, with a series of conflicts—from armed to economic conflicts. And even though different organisms and governments invest, not just money, but also time and human resources in peacekeeping, it does not seem to have the required positive long-lasting effects. Could it be that it is because peacebuilding is an art and demands a lot of technic like moral imagination? This article explores how sustainable peace could be achieved. It explores among others, the importance of approaching peace and reconciliation through spirituality. But it had to, first, examine the working terms. Then, it explored how spirituality could have helpful or harmful effects on the restoration of sustainable peace.

Spirituality as an integral part of building a “Sustainable” Peace Read More »

“Mgr. Christophe Munzihirwa: Un leadership qui inspire,”

If leadership remains one of the main challenges facing the continent of Africa, Bishop Christophe Munzihirwa’s life and commitment to promote the human dignity beyond ethnic cleavages is worth exploring. This article offers a glimpse into a man’s values, principles, and dedication in the midst of one of the worst crises that Africa has ever known, during the mid-1990s in Africa Great Lakes Region.

“Mgr. Christophe Munzihirwa: Un leadership qui inspire,” Read More »

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